Talk to your guts; change your life!

Are you ready to stop fighting with your body?

Did you know your body contains many more microbes (bacteria, yeast, and viruses) than human cells? Some studies report that over 100 trillion microbes outnumber your human cells ten to one. Whatever the correct number, you host a tremendous amount of microbes.

We contain multitudes of microbes called our "microbiome." You would not be able to digest food without them living in your gut or have a working immune system without these microbes. The majority live in your gut, particularly in the large intestine. They also live in your organs and skin; you can't live without them.

When I first explored my microbiome, I looked in the mirror one day, and my face was crawling with my mother's microbiome. It was spooky; my mother died 23 years ago. My mother hated herself; I inherited her microbiome and self-hatred.

Her microbiome became my microbiome, exuding chemicals of self-hatred. Each successive generation of my facial microbiome replicated from an old DNA blueprint based on fear and self-hatred.  I'd never seen it so clearly. I thanked them all and gave them their freedom.

Are you ready to take action to increase your well-being? I would love to assist you in bringing greater inner peace and health to your body by changing your microbiome. Read on for more clarity.

Whenever you hate some part of your body, you send the message to your microbiome to create the neural chemicals of self-hatred. Billions of neurons absorb info, listening to the microbiome. The same thing is happening in your gut.

Different colonies of microbiomes line your guts like countries lined up along coastal regions. Imagine countries at war with each other; what started the fight is long forgotten, but the war keeps raging.

Imagine how different you will feel when the cease-fire and peace ripple through your guts. The microbiome in your gut weighs about 6 pounds.

Until we consciously change our microbiome, it runs on autopilot, connected to the unconscious programs related to fear, lack of self-worth, self-limiting, and sabotaging programs.

Thank your microbiome and bring it from the unconscious into consciousness.

Tell your microbiome a new story.

Connect to the language of your soul rather than the language of fear and self-hatred, and create a safe, loving space for your microbiome to flourish.

We are the caretakers of our gut biome, just like we are caretakers of the land. We have the privilege to inhabit and walk on this magnificent earth. Now, become the guardian of your microbiome.

Take ownership of your body and co-create your life with the 100 trillion living organisms in your body that keep you alive. Together, your alliance will produce more health, happiness,  and pleasure.

Start to unwind from fear, inner war, and sabotaging programs that influence the gut microbiome. Schedule your session today.

During the session, you choose what you want to work on. Your body leads the way, exploring what's next as you unwind, release the old, and open to receive the new.

Time-tested, proven tools assist in shifting from a fear-based reality into living in a reality that makes you smile, feeds your dreams, and nurtures your soul.

The microbiome plays a huge part in your happiness, consciousness, and evolution.

Schedule your session today, take the next step in opening to your magnificence. ❤️

To your joyous evolution,
Dr. Cynthia


A Celebration of Light


Great Change is Happening