Choose YOUR Light

Release Your Hidden Feminine Energy

Choose YOUR Light MP3

Experience this 34-minute pre-recorded high-frequency transmission to claim your value, worth, and amazing inner light!

Journey with me from the safety of your couch into the hidden realms of the unconscious.

Beyond a bullet point list of linear, left brain results, sink into luscious safety in your body.

Experience profound flow and delicious delight. Dissolve stress as your feminine energy fills the starving nooks and crannies that long to be seen.

Bring your hidden aspects into the light to dance and play in safety.

We all carry the suppression of the feminine in our unconscious neural programming. This is true for women and men.

Discover the truth of your essence beyond the lies that squish you down to keep you small, obedient, and subservient.

Release the programming that men are superior and women are second rate. It’s not the truth. It’s passed down in your unconscious neurology, childhood circuitry, and DNA.

The key is to keep giving yourself permission to dive deep, beyond the lies that you're second-rate and unworthy.

Beyond the neural programming that says it's forbidden for you to go any further. Fear keeps you blocked, subservient, and obedient. The fear that wants to rule the unconscious.

There are so many gifts hiding inside of you that long to be seen. And then the fear arises to keep you stuck in your little cubby hole, obeying outside authority, doing what you're supposed to do, to keep the hierarchy in place.

As we dive in deeper, connect with the neurology of your soul essence. It's fully present in your body. But the only one who can awaken it is you.

Then, follow the feminine path of pleasure, power, and prosperity. The pleasure to be in your body, to feel delight in your cells, bones, and muscles.

Experience a soft, nurturing journey into hidden unconscious areas and bring your gifts to the light.

Claim your truth and light. You are valuable. You are worthy. You are lovable.

An unseen rewiring takes place, creating long-lasting profound change.

The more you listen to the audio, the greater the inner ease and inner change. It’s not a quick fix; it takes time and loving attention.

Experience deep transformation while cozy on the couch under your favorite blanket!

Choose one of two options:

Choose YOUR Light


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For deeper results, listen to the audio daily. As you keep listening your neurology will shift and you will notice profound changes in your life!

Dive in Deep!


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Private Session with Dr. Cynthia:

A one-hour call to dive deeper into your neurology, release blocks, and discover your hidden treasures.

To schedule your session, please use this link. You will hear from me soon. Thank you!

I’m Dr. Cynthia and I assist people in transforming their inner blocks, sabotaging neural programs, and corrupt DNA codes to live in greater inner pleasure, power, and prosperity.

How does this work?

This work is based on cutting-edge research in neuroscience, brain development, epigenetics, DNA, and psychology.

I have also seen and tracked DNA, neural programs, and how the brain functions in thousands of my clients over four decades of work.

I offer this high-frequency transmission to you from my heart with deep gratitude.

To your joyful evolution,

Dr. Cynthia