Private Mentoring

with Dr. Cynthia

Soul Circuitry

Welcome To YOUR DREAM:

An exciting, life-changing process to create your dreams by shifting your neurology, unconscious programming, and DNA.

This intensive is for changemakers, visionaries, leaders, facilitators, and healers.

People who long to experience and live in the truth of who they are, their soul essence.

Your Neurology Creates Your Reality

Everyone carries self-sabotaging neural programs. It’s how our bodies are wired.

No matter how many times you try to change, your Childhood Circuitry always wins. 

Until the underlying neural circuitry, unconscious programs, and DNA connected to your Childhood Circuitry are cleared and transformed, you will continue to undermine your hopes and dreams.

The exciting news is that you have the power to create profound inner change and transform your neurology. 

You are connected to your Childhood Circuitry until you consciously activate your unique Soul Circuitry, which holds your gifts, superpowers, and deep inner knowing. 

Choose to evolve beyond your Childhood Circuitry.

Evolve into your Soul Circuitry and the truth of who you are.

This magical process happens on multiple dimensions; you evolve according to your conscious intention and the blueprint of your soul. 

Are you ready to take your next step?

During the 6-month program, your body transforms, and your nervous system rewires itself according to your soul blueprint which guides your unique Soul Circuitry, rather than the demands, unconscious desires, and domination of others.

Your frayed, fried, overwhelmed nervous system transforms into joyful pleasure and ease. The frantic frenzy shifts into luscious flow, well-being, and delight throughout your body.

From this expanded state, new possibilities and opportunities open. Clarity arises. Your life unfolds in new wonderful, magical ways.

During the YOUR DREAM process, your life unfolds on multiple dimensions. The pleasure of embodying who you are is the most exciting adventure of a lifetime.


  • Build a stable inner foundation to flourish in a changing world.

  • Connect more deeply to your inner wisdom.

  • Move beyond confusion and fear; claim your power.

  • Master the tools of change to use with yourself.

  • Manifest your dreams.


  • Activate your hidden gifts and superpowers.

  • Expand your work to include more of your soul essence.

  • Master the tools of change to use with your clients.

  • Create deeper transformation in your client’s lives.

In your body's timing, a new you emerges. All of this transpires in your cellular structures, leading to amazing transformation, joy, and delight.

This empowering process builds to change your inner and outer realities.

Follow Your Intuition and Embody Your Gifts

Your intention is the compass, guiding the process. The innate wisdom of your body leads the way.

The mystical and practical unite in everyday life, not an out-of-body experience but a fully embodied reality. 

Your genius becomes accessible here on earth, in your everyday life, moment by moment.

I'd love for you to join me on this exciting, mysterious journey of profound awakening and evolution into joy.

The Transformation Process


  • 6-month mentorship program.

  • 12 sessions.

  • Each session is recorded and sent to you. As you listen to the MP3, new neural connections continue to form. Incremental shifts create amazing change.

  • Unlimited email support.

  • Weekly action steps and email check-ins.

  • You are energetically held in a safe, loving container for deep transformation to occur.


An investment into profound change for your life, work, and happiness!

Ride the Waves of Change with Ease and Joy

Soul Circuitry

Soul Circuitry

The framework for evolving beyond the current reality is your Soul Circuitry.

The necessary steps are to shift your cells, neurons, and DNA with your consciousness and soul frequency.

During the 6-months, each session builds upon the next, transforming your reality - a radical shift encompassing all aspects of your life.

All dimensions present possibilities for freeing expansion, enlivening joy, and delightful pleasure.

Deep soul cellular connection - what you’ve been searching for and longing for.

Experience the exquisite safety, joy, and delight of connecting to your Soul Circuitry.

Why does this work?

This work is based on cutting-edge research in neuroscience, brain development, epigenetics, DNA, and psychology.

I have also seen and tracked DNA, neural programs, and how the brain functions in thousands of my clients over decades of work.

Embody Inner Safety; Manifest YOUR DREAM

Take your next step…

Fill out the application and we will set up a time to explore our working together.

Thank you for completing the application. I’ll get in touch with you to set up a call to explore our working together.

I’m so excited to share this exciting transformational journey with you!

One of the most important steps you can take for your life, work, and inner satisfaction is to follow YOUR DREAM.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Conscious Evolution is an in-depth process of unraveling the unconscious patterns and neural pathways that keep you stuck in limiting beliefs. I use proven methods to help you shift from fear and suffering into multidimensional happiness and abundance. 

  • Before the session, you set your intention for the focus of our journey. What do you want to come to grips with, explore, or change?

  • We will be on Zoom. After we connect, I will ask you to get comfortable and lie down. Many of my clients like to be in bed, under a cozy blanket. I will take you through a relaxation process where we dive in deeper following your intention.

  • Your body's innate intelligence knows the perfect sequence to unravel decades of old patterns, limiting beliefs, and stored trauma. Your body leads the way, unwinding in its own order and timing.

  • Each session is recorded and sent to you. Most of my clients love to listen to the MP3 at night, and the transformation continues during sleep. New neural connections are forming that create fresh insights, new behaviors, and awakening. Incremental shifts create amazing change.

  • Each session lasts about an hour. A natural closure takes place when your body is complete with the internal process.

    You will want at least an hour after your session to reflect and integrate. Some people take a nap while the profound rewiring takes place.

  • You may feel the energies continuing for days or weeks after your session. Cellular transformation is taking place, the deeper you go, the more profound the results.

  • Sometimes after a session, the crap comes up to be seen for its final hoorah, opening the space for more of your creativity, luscious flow, and brilliance to emerge. Spiral gratitude to all that is occurring as it dissolves or evolves.

  • You will notice changes occurring in your life reflecting your inner transformation. Your inner guidance will tell you when you are ready for your next session. A session every two weeks is a good recommendation for profound deep change.

Take the Ieap into YOUR DREAM

Embark on the most joyous, thrilling, luscious adventure, the one you've waited lifetimes to experience.

The reason you are here on earth in a body right now.

The inner delight is delicious!

Submit Your Application Today!